Wednesday, April 9, 2014

10 Days of Real Food....


Yeahhhh, I have just completed my '10 Days of Real Food Pledge!!'. What a beneficial and educational challenge this has been. Not only have I learned so many new things about food and nutrition but I feel way less bloated, have lots more energy and my skin is glowing like never before (I did also lose 4lb in 10 days which is a little bonus to top it off).

For those of you who want to give yourself a kick start into eating more natural/real and clean foods then I would highly recommend signing yourself up for the 100 Days of Real Food 10 Day Pledge. Whether it is to lose weight, feel better or to simply eat more naturally I guarantee this will give you the little boost you have been looking for.

Before my '10 Day Pledge' I considered myself to be quite a healthy eater but what I didn't know was that just a few items in my diet were responsible for my added weight and a bloated stomach. I am sure they were probably reaping havoc on my insides too! My one can of diet coke a day rule is gone, my Friday night bag of chips is gone and the only grains I now eat are 100% whole wheat. I also try and stick to alternatives such as beans or sweet potato if I want a side with my dinner. By excluding just a few items and making small changes you can make a big difference to your health. Processed/ refined foods should be avoided as these are the foods that your body finds hard to process and therefore stores as fat. Stick with these rules and you will notice a difference to your health in no time!

Don't get me wrong, I don't believe people can be 100% good, 100% percent of the time but I do think it important to follow the 80/20% rule when it comes to eating: 'According to the rule, you must choose healthy foods 80 percent of the time. Because you eat healthy the majority of the time, you are allowed to indulge in a few favorite treats 20 percent of the time'. I like to have a cheat day one day per week. This doesn't mean spending the whole day binging on chips and chocolate but it does allow you to be a little bit more relaxed: have a slice of cake with your coffee or make a homemade pizza. Cheat days make it easier to stay focused and make you feel like you are still living!

What you waiting for,,,,sign up now and GO CLEAN!

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