Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Escapism: The tendency to escape from daily reality or routine by indulging in daydreaming, fantasy, or entertainment.......

I have been daydreaming a lot today! Imagining myself on the tip of a mountain with the sun beaming down on my face (and of course with a large glass of wine in my hand). AAAHHHH BLISSSS......what is your escapism?

Monday, October 21, 2013

What Do Your Clothes Say About You?

I read this interesting article today on about how your clothes may be giving off the wrong impression and how we make snap judgments about people from the clothes that they wear. Is it fair to judge people on this basis? It got me thinking.....what do your clothes say about you???? Read the article here:

Thursday, October 17, 2013

100 Life Goals.....

After reading 100 life goals by Antwon Davis (recommended by a wonderful friend of mine), I have been inspired to set my own goals for life and try to accomplish them. Can you really design the life that you live? What are your life goals?...........Read more at

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Success Indicator.....

WOW, what a smart lady. I couldn't agree with her more. These traits are evident in all the successful people I know in life. Turn the negative into positive...................

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I recently visited the Red River Gorge in Kentucky where there was a plethora of stores selling homemade fudge. The flavours ranged from vanilla cheesecake to chocolate bourbon! Of course, they tasted delicious and gave me the inspiration I needed to try out my own homemade fudge frenzy. Here is the recipe I plan on trialling out very soon:


 * 115 g butter, softened              
 * 1 tsp vanilla extract        
 * 405 g condensed milk         
 * 115 g plain chocolate, broken into squares        
 * 800 g icing sugar, sifted 


1. Place the butter in a large bowl and beat in the vanilla extract and condensed milk.

2. Place the chocolate squares in a bowl and set it over a pan of barely simmering water. Leave it to melt, remove from the heat and stir with a wooden spoon.

3. Allow the chocolate to cool and then beat it in, gradually, to the butter mixture. Beat in the icing sugar, a little at a time. When it has all been incorporated you should end up with a soft, dough-like mixture.

4. Line a 20 x 30 cm shallow baking tin with baking parchment paper. Press the mixture into the tin, ensuring that the surface is even. Using the tip of a sharp knife, mark the fudge into about 80 pieces and then place it in the fridge for at least 4 hours to set.

5. When the fudge has set, use the edges of the paper to lift it from the tin on to a large chopping board and cut it into the marked pieces. Wrap the fudge to give as gifts.