Monday, April 28, 2014

Crazy about Chia......


Ch-Ch-Ch- Chia! If you haven't heard about it, I am sure you will soon. It is the next super food that everyone from Oprah to Miley Cyrus are raving about, and the good news is it is now available to buy right here in the US! Up until about 9 months ago I had never heard of Chia seeds and had certainly never tried any. Then...I met the lovely Zack Pennington (CEO) and partner Jacy Cruz who are the founders of the vastly expanding company US Chia. Both Zack and Jacy are Chia lovers and they were the ones  responsible for getting me started with this latest 'craze'.

The thing is, Chia is not a craze like a bunch of these other super foods out there. In fact, you would be 'crazy' not to be eating it. Adding Chia to your diet by sprinkling some on your salads, in your yogurt or on top of your morning oats has an unbelievable amount of health benefits including: feeling fuller longer, promoting weight loss, fighting belly fat, full of fibre, improve heart health, glowing skin, hair and nails,  packed with protein and full of Omega 3! These are just a few. It does not get the name 'Super food' for nothing.

Luckily for all of us Chia is now readily available here in the US. Up until recently Chia was only grown in South America and imported onto our shelves. Thanks to Zack, Jacy and the gang from US Chia it is now being grown right here in Florida and other parts of the country. We can now get Chia faster, cheaper and more nutritional than ever! To get your own Chia log on to their website at and start reaping the benefits today!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Bucket List Before Baby....

Sooo...this one has been playing on my mind a lot this week and thought that there is probably a plethora of couples out there having the exact same feelings as my soon to be husband and I.

It all started 5 nights ago when we were both laying in bed after a very busy and extremely enjoyable Saturday; the morning was spent (slowly) eating 'Whole wheat banana pancakes' followed by a drive to the park (in our convertible) to play what turned out to be a very short game of tennis before packing it in to go home and sit in the blazing sun with a large cold wine and turkey baguettes. In the evening we attended a VIP  'Thunder over Louisville' fireworks party down town, where we proceeded to drink copious amounts of alcohol and eat yet more turkey baguettes (thanks to Subway's tasty but not so healthy catering).

By the time we got home that evening we were not only exhausted but extremely overwhelmed with contentment and satisfaction.  And furthermore, we were extremely excited about the long lie in we were going to have the following day! As I lay there smiling (albeit a fuzzy head) I casually mumbled, though half asleep....'God, imagine we had a baby right now!'. At which point my fiance's ears perked up and simply replied..'I know'.

As our wedding day fast approaches we are both very well aware of our lives having the potential to dramatically change in the very near future. As much as we are both excited about the prospect of being parents one day we are also having far too much fun and adventure to even think about giving it all up. We also want to spend a decent amount of time as husband and wife first before we have to share each other with another. I know some people say, that there is never really a right time and are you ever really ready? but we are both 100% sure that we want to bring children into this world when we are ready to give them our 100% attention and focus. They surely deserve that.

However, sometimes things don't always go to plan but for the sake of plan making we have made ours and are sticking to it.....this conscious decision we feel with not only benefit us in the long run but also benefit our children when we come to having them. We, as parents, will be more financially ready, emotionally ready and more whole/complete as an individual. This will enable us to raise our kids in the best possible way with no regrets about all things we wish we could have done before we had them. Kids change everything; they are the best gift you could ever ask for so why not give them the gift of you in return? You can only give the gift of you when you are ready to give yourself over.

All this deep, philosophical conversation got us thinking that night about all the things we want to do before we have our first baby. We decided there and then to start making a 'Bucket List Before Baby'...this included things like: road trips, adventure hikes, buying a fun car, spending all day in bed (at least 10 times), finishing studies, securing well paid jobs, running marathons, volunteering, writing books, spending 2 weeks on the beach, spending our well earned money on really expensive shoes that we have never before been able to afford!...the list is endless. From that night on we made a pact to start planning for an unplanned future and begin ticking these items off the list, as no doubt time will fly like it always does and our first little bundle of joy will begin it's own adventure into the unknown. (FYI I hope they too make a bucket list one day) :))))

Having the same thoughts? Whats on your 'Bucket List Before Baby'?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

10 Days of Real Food....


Yeahhhh, I have just completed my '10 Days of Real Food Pledge!!'. What a beneficial and educational challenge this has been. Not only have I learned so many new things about food and nutrition but I feel way less bloated, have lots more energy and my skin is glowing like never before (I did also lose 4lb in 10 days which is a little bonus to top it off).

For those of you who want to give yourself a kick start into eating more natural/real and clean foods then I would highly recommend signing yourself up for the 100 Days of Real Food 10 Day Pledge. Whether it is to lose weight, feel better or to simply eat more naturally I guarantee this will give you the little boost you have been looking for.

Before my '10 Day Pledge' I considered myself to be quite a healthy eater but what I didn't know was that just a few items in my diet were responsible for my added weight and a bloated stomach. I am sure they were probably reaping havoc on my insides too! My one can of diet coke a day rule is gone, my Friday night bag of chips is gone and the only grains I now eat are 100% whole wheat. I also try and stick to alternatives such as beans or sweet potato if I want a side with my dinner. By excluding just a few items and making small changes you can make a big difference to your health. Processed/ refined foods should be avoided as these are the foods that your body finds hard to process and therefore stores as fat. Stick with these rules and you will notice a difference to your health in no time!

Don't get me wrong, I don't believe people can be 100% good, 100% percent of the time but I do think it important to follow the 80/20% rule when it comes to eating: 'According to the rule, you must choose healthy foods 80 percent of the time. Because you eat healthy the majority of the time, you are allowed to indulge in a few favorite treats 20 percent of the time'. I like to have a cheat day one day per week. This doesn't mean spending the whole day binging on chips and chocolate but it does allow you to be a little bit more relaxed: have a slice of cake with your coffee or make a homemade pizza. Cheat days make it easier to stay focused and make you feel like you are still living!

What you waiting for,,,,sign up now and GO CLEAN!