Thursday, January 30, 2014

500 Calories and Counting.....

Chicken and goats cheese flatbread

On a mission to lose my last 7lb and get myself 'wedding day ready' I have ventured down the road (for the very first time in my life) of counting calories! After all isn't that the most basic and sensible way to lose weight, reduced calories = reduced fat. Simple really.

With a 1400 calorie a day limit (thanks to 'My Fitness Pal' app) I am on a tight budget! Up until now I have pretty much been eating whatever I like and not actually realising how easy it is to accumulate calories each day. A handful of m&m's here and there won't kill anyone right?

Anyway, I am now on day 4 and have lost 2 lb already! 'It is working' I hear myself scream, this is the encouragement I need to keep going. So, how can you prepare evenings meals that are delicious and still low calorie I hear you ask? I asked myself that question at first too but after many nights of researching and sampling some of the best meals under 500 calories I am here today to share them with you and assure you that calorie counting, really does work!

Click  HERE  to see how you can make your very own 440 calorie Chicken and Goats Cheese flatbread)

Monday, January 27, 2014

New Year Resolutions.....

I am a great believer in new year resolutions and I feel that it is important to continue to set yourself goals and life challenges, not only to keep things interesting, but to give you something to focus on your energy on and keep you grounded. With January out of the way and the remnants of too many Christmas puddings finally burned off, I figured it was time for me to think about my goals for the year and get them written down somewhere (so that I don't forget them, or have an excuse to not at least attempt most them). So here no particular order.....

* Get married
* Lose the last 7lb
* Run a half marathon (training has begun!)
* Restore a piece of furniture
* Bake a pie
* Knit one item
* Incorporate more vegan/vegetarian meals into meal plan
* Spend less time with mobile phone
* Paint apartment/ or move?
* Continue to grow blog
* Continue to work on small handmade craft business
* Complete online Psychology course
* Complete children's book
* Honeymoon in Hawaii
* Climb the Quiraing on the Isle of Skye/ Find our piece of land
* Take more photographs for my photography portfolio
* Spend less time around negative people and focus on the positive people

I know this may seem like a lot but hopefully most of them are pretty achievable. I am setting myself 100% success rate and look forward to writing my reflections at the beginning of 2015 to see how many I managed to tick off! Happy ticking :)


As I look back on 2013 with smiling eyes and a warm heart I remember all of the wonderful experiences, people and places that the year brought. For me 2013 was a year of changes, growth and learning curves; with that said, it was also one of the best years of my life.

In January of 2013 I found myself sitting in first class (with a glass of champagne in my hand) on board a BA flight flying towards Louisville, Kentucky. I was moving across to the other side of the world and leaving behind the life that I knew, to start a new one. This was not a choice that I had made on my own but more of an opportunity that presented itself, and boy am I glad that it did! Life in Scotland was wonderful (and I do not doubt for one second that one day we will return) but there was also part of me/us  that, after many years of travelling the world, still had that desire to wander, travel and explore.....deep inside of  me, I had a feeling of wanderlust.

When my boyfriend at the time was offered an opportunity of a lifetime to move to America we didn't hesitate one bit. We decided that he would move over first, as initially it was only for a short period of time and I had a lot to tie up at this end with regards to my job/flat. There was no point in giving that up if his contract was only going to be for a few months. Anyway, time passed and a year later he was asked to stay on permanently and take over some aspects of the business. At that point we knew it was time for me to pack up and ship out as they say! I was nervous and excited all at the same time!

It has now been a year since I moved to Louisville and I have never looked back. We have a beautiful apartment in a quirky/ thriving end of town and a lifestyle that can't compare to that of back home. We are constantly outdoors in the spring/summer/autumn (thanks to the weather) and we have made so many lovely friends with similar interests. We have explored parts of America we have always dreamed of visiting...Chicago, California, Nashville, Las Vegas, Disney World to name a few, and have also explored new parts of ourselves. Neither of us are scared of change and actually get quite excited about the prospect of things changing again. We only know things are going to get bigger and better and are looking forward to whatever 2014 has in store of us. With our wedding fast approaching we are beginning to make plans..not only for our big day but for our married life together. I am already picturing our house, dog and long hikes that we will take on the weekends. I am excited to share all of this with my future husband to be, family and friends; old and new and I am more than grateful for all of the opportunities life has presented me with so far. I have no doubt that the rest of our journey is going to be somewhat a bit of a roller coaster, but I am more than prepared to strap up, sit back and enjoy the ride!

Chicago Reflections

Monday, January 13, 2014

Ten Reasons to Smile!......

1. It makes us more attractive
2. It changes our mood
3. It is contagious
4. It relieves stress
5. It boosts your immune system
6. It lowers your blood pressure
7. It releases endorphins, natural pain killers and serotonin
8. It lifts the face and makes you look younger
9. It makes you seem successful
10. It helps you to stay positive

So go on......give it a try and SMILE! x

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hail to the Kale!

It is that time of year again. We have all indulged a little too much over the festive season and are now struggling to get in to those skinny jeans that we once rocked! If you are like me, then I am sure your health kick has got off to a slow start but with a little determination and motivation you have promised yourself that by Monday you will be working out 5 times a week and the body detoxifying process will be well under way! Well that's my plan anyway! 

I love the idea of detoxing and giving your body's digestive system a well deserved break. I think it is important to think consciously about what you are putting into your body and making sure that it gets all the the right nutrients that it needs. That is where Kale really does become your best friend....this 'superfood' is rapidly growing in popularity thanks to its exceptional nutritional richness, health benefits and delicious flavour! 

Eating a variety of natural, unprocessed vegetables can do wonders for your health, but choosing super-nutritious kale on a regular basis may provide significant health benefits, including cancer protection and lowered cholesterol. Here is a list of the top ten benefits of eating kale:

1. Kale is low in calorie, high in fiber and has zero fat
2. Kale is high in iron
3. kale is high in vitamin K
4. Kale is filled with powerful antioxidants
5. Kale is a great anti- inflammatory food
6. Kale is great for cardiovascular support
7. Kale is rich in vitamin A
8. Kale is high in vitamin C
9. Kale is high in calcium
10. Kale is a great detox food!

For all of these reasons listed above I definitely 'HAIL TO THE KALE!'