Saturday, August 9, 2014

To Blog or not to Blog? That is the Question?.....

After a very busy summer at home in Scotland (getting married and just generally having a blast with all of my family and friends) I have finally returned back to normality to the place I now call home: Louisville. I am now fully settled in to married life and instead of spending our weekends wedding planning we are organizing our honeymoon and house hunting instead. Things haven't got less hectic, the items on the 'to-do list' have just been replaced with new ones. With a lot of 'extra stuff'' still going on and a new full time job just around the corner I recently wondered if I there is still a place in my life for blogging?

Then.....I read this wonderful article (found here) all about the reasons to write a blog and how it impacts positively on your life. My question was quickly answered with a resounding YES! To summarize the article, writing a blog helps you to;

1. Become a better writer
2. Deepen your thinking
3. Live life more intentionally
4. Develop healthier habits (i.e discipline, devotion, commitment)
5. Meet new people
6. Inspire others
7. Develop a more well rounded mindset
8. Remember key life events and keep a personal journal
9. Become more confident
10. Learn from others

Overall, writing a blog changes your life in some way or another. It becomes less about you writing the story and more about the story writing and changing you. If you are considering writing a blog I would highly recommend it. I can't believe that for a short time there I considered giving it up! Maybe one day when I have little kiddos to care for but until then.....I will certainly be making time (and so should you).

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